A perfect on-ramp to your week! Slow and low, meditative and mindful, with a variety of techniques offered with out any (or many) standing poses. Sometimes we use props, sometimes not even a mat. All levels are welcome.
No experience required, only the genuine interest in your own mind's workings and your desire to be free in this body, in this lifetime. We do a quick (optional) 3 word check-in. We sit for 24 minutes with some instruction, and another optional 3-word check-in before concluding the call!
A 30 minute offering of Yin Yoga, the practice of staying in shapes for several minutes, being aware of and working with sensations that arise. We deeply affect the connective tissue (aka fascia) and engage with mindfulness practices. This class flows into the vinyasa flow class that follows. You can stay for both, or depart when you like.
All levels are welcome, and will be a challenge for the newer practitioner. We cover all the bases and plenty of options to take it up or ease off. These classes offer a wide variety of styles and movement techniques all in the vein of connection with self, inquiry into what's happening, how it feels, choice making, and the somatic/psychic responses. The sequences are different every time and will focus on various body parts or movement theories. We always start out soft, slow & gentle, and build to bigger, more complex shapes. The choice to stay with the softer, gentler expressions is offered every time. My intention for these classes is to impart an anatomical or physiological lesson, tie it into a spiritual inquiry, refresh and restore the body-mind while building strength and integrity.
These classes for caregivers (moms, dads, grandparents, nannies, aunts, anyone) to BE WITH their baby and to meet them where they are at, supporting the baby's natural developmental movement and learning process. We work on handling techniques to this end, as well as discuss questions you may have about what you're seeing your baby do, or not do. (Arrive and depart anytime during the 90 min class.)
This class offers a great opportunity to the ultimate experience of yoga -- knowing one's self and wholeheartedly meeting each moment with that sensitive, integrated, authentic self. These classes include time for discussion of a spiritual teaching, pranayama, and a full spectrum asana practice that includes soft, easy technique work, as well as strong and complex poses. The options are ALWAYS to engage where you're most capable to be with the moves...stay where you are, go back and repeat, modify, plunge ahead, or totally do your own thing. This class is best for seasoned practitioners, who know that adeptness in practice is NOT synonymous with doing big, complex, circus-style, pretzel postures.
Perfect for those working with an injury, pain, or simply wanting a more nurturing practice for healing whatever is presenting–physical, mental, or emotional! Each class offers some specific Yoga Therapy technique, some lead somaticizations appropriate for all levels and abilities, plus time to move (or be still) however you wish. This is a great opportunity to learn more about yourself, how your parts work, and how to heal!
Instructors: Usha Bilotta and Theresa Murphy
The 1st of 3 Saturday workshops.
Also Feb. 1 and Mar. 1 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Register for 1, 2, or all 3 workshops.
Some of the content builds upon prior workshops.
Discount price available if you register for all 3! (Registration in all 3 workshops is encouraged, not required.)
Join longtime Yoga teachers, Usha Bilotta (also a Palliative Care Chaplain) and Theresa Murphy (also a Hospice Volunteer), in a discussion of Death & Dying. In this gathering, Theresa & Usha intend to safely and honestly uncloak Death. The discussion will include looking at all the ways talking about death has become taboo in our culture, how capitalistic powers purposely shield us from connecting with the deep truth of death, and how our culture can positively reclaim death as the honorable rite of passage that it is.
Usha & Theresa offer a re-framing of how we consider, discuss, and meet death – in the interest of courageously being fully present for our beloveds who are dying, in grieving our losses like mature humans, and in preparing to graciously meet our own inevitable truth in Death.
Some gentle movement, breathwork and meditation will be offered to prepare for an experiential savasana to honor the discussions and contemplations around the sacred passage of death.
Discount Price of $60 for all 3 workshops! To purchase, call 401.409.2121.
This workshop is for anyone who wants to make a better friends with their breath, body, and mind! The breath is arguably the best tool we have to heal and transform ourselves. We will take a look at the natural movement of breath, the structures in our bodies that move the breath, and ways to strengthen the breath-mind connection that is already inherent in each of us. Come and awaken to the intrinsic wellbeing within!
Instructors: Usha Bilotta and Theresa Murphy
2nd of 3 Saturday workshops.
Also Mar. 1 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Register for 1, 2, or all 3 workshops.
Some of the content builds upon prior workshops.
Discount price available if you register for all 3 (registration in all 3 workshops is encouraged, but not required).
Join longtime Yoga teachers, Usha Bilotta (also a Palliative Care Chaplain) and Theresa Murphy (also a Hospice Volunteer), for another event in graciously honoring the difficult truth and inevitability of Death. This time, Usha and Theresa share and invite others to explore, process and learn from their own stories about Death. We'll extract the wisdom and gifts of these tales as well as consider the archetype of Death as a teacher for all of us. Yin poses will be offered and long Savasanas with explorations. No previous yoga experience necessary.
Discount Price of $60 for all 3 workshops! To purchase, call 401.409.2121
Stiff, painful, clicking knees? In this workshop Theresa will illuminate the basic structure and functioning of the knees, plus lead some movements that generally help to free up and stabilize the knees. The main support and mobility of the knees is found in the feet and hips! The work is different for everyone to some degree. So bring your questions, your willingness to explore, and find the ways that heal YOUR knees!
Hosted by Sarah & Ty Powers' Insight Yoga Institute, this online only event included a Dharma talk, a few yin poses, personal inquiry, meditation and discussion. Come join in the community, the conversation, the questions, the growth and the evolution! Online only.
Expand your Somatic Movement Education with this 4-module intensive blending the lenses of Yoga & The School for Body-Mind Centering® for a fresh (yet ancient) approach to engaging with the embodied wisdom within! For movers and teachers of movement, no previous experience is required
This third of three offerings, (the first two - Jan 4 and Feb 1 - are not required!) will bring to light how each of us can picture, plan for, and potentially curate our own preparation and logistics for what happens during and after our own death.
This time together will offer some super gentle movement, a few guided meditations, and discussions to compassionately and wholeheartedly contemplate our own deaths – how we might prefer to die, and some of the preparations we might (begin to) consider. We'll also discuss the relationship between the Personal and Universal, contemplating how our own Death can make the world a better place... What might you ask of others in your death? How might you enlighten others on your personal journey out of the realm of the Living? How we might make this profound birthright a teaching of courage and beauty, a lesson for our children and their children?
Join longtime Yoga teachers, Usha Bilotta (also a Palliative Care Chaplain) and Theresa Murphy (also a Hospice Volunteer), for another event in graciously honoring the difficult truth, ultimate power, and inevitable transition of Death & Dying.
Discount Price of $60 for all 3 workshops! To purchase, call 401.409.2121
Expand your Somatic Movement Education with this 4-module intensive blending the lenses of Yoga & The School for Body-Mind Centering® for a fresh (yet ancient) approach to engaging with the embodied wisdom within! For movers and teachers of movement, no previous experience is required. See module descriptions below.
To be announced.
MODULE 3 – The Upper Limbs & MovementSat., April 12, 2025 @ 1 – 6pm
in the RCY Loft & OnlineDiscounted Teacher Rates
MODULE 3: $90 early-bird rate if paid in full by March 21st, 2025 • $115 after March 21st, 2025
Yoga Alliance CEUs available
Taking time to understand the complexity of the structure and movements of the upper limbs, we’ll learn and feel how they feed into the spine. We’ll discuss, move and consider ways for optimal integrity, health, access, and ease in the hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders as major organs of interfacing with our world!
A class for the Insight Yoga Institute, on behalf of Sarah & Ty Powers, I'll offer a few soft Yin Yoga poses, inspirational talk, meditation, personal inquiry, and group discussion on the topic. Online only.
MODULE 4 – The Lower Limbs & MovementSat., May 24, 2025 @ 1 – 6pm in the RCY Loft & Online
$90 early-bird rate if paid in full by April 24th, 2025 • $115 after April 24th, 2025
Yoga Alliance CEUs available
The lower limbs are build for stability and agility! In this class we’ll clarify the structures and mobility of the lower limbs. We’ll discuss, move and consider ways for optimal integrity, health, access, and ease of the feet, ankles, knees, and hips for all the places they take us!
Drawing from traditional yoga, Chinese medicine, Buddhist philosophy and meditation, Theresa will weave these threads into an embodied experience offering yin style practices and teachings. Designed for those wanting a deeper learning experience, she will take time to unpack the lessons each time: focusing on a different sheath of the body, meridian-organ pair, anatomical/physiological feature, and mindfulness technique.
Learn how to cultivate deep relaxation (and how to teach others to do so!) in Theresa Murphy’s Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Relaxation is imperative for sustaining equilibrium in this life. Knowing how to support one’s nervous system and rejuvenate one’s subtle body is an essential skill for navigating the demands of living well and being healthy. Join the relaxation movement! Your active life will be supported more than ever!
The Felt Sense is how I describe what it's about. It's how it feels. It's how the body and mind are the same. It's about hearing the body-mind's unique language. It's about the mind of the body and the body of the mind. It's how to know how to move, how fast, how strong, in what direction, what style, or to move at all! It's Yoga practice, it's meditation, it's somatic movement, it's an attuning to what's happening inside us, as it's happening, and responding appropriately. It's embodiment of our life-force. It's living skillfully, sensitively, and wholeheartedly. It's also however you might describe it.
It's in the felt sense of one's self. The inner knowing, the original knowing, from the cells of the tissue themselves that are all a part of making one whole. Knowing that's not just from the brain, but from the wisdom of the integrated whole. No system, no teacher, no technique has it all. Only the person experiencing the moment knows.
In teaching, my deepest intentions are to expand minds, open hearts, and be a catalyst for discovering the wisdom and wonder of an embodied life – to support others in recognizing and trusting The Felt Sense.
My classes and workshops draw from a wide and eclectic range of approaches to practice, including soft somatic work, intentional sequencing, long, sustained holds in poses, rigorous vinyasa, therapeutics, yin yoga, breath-work, individualized alignment, unstructured movement, anatomy study, wisdom teachings, meditation, sounding, and open exploration of physical and mental awareness. I have taught over 30,000 hours of group classes, workshops, and teacher trainings, surpassing Yoga Alliance's standards for it's highest accreditation as an E-RYT-500, and lead 200 and 300 hour Yoga Alliance accredited teacher trainings. I am a Yoga Therapist accredited through the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT), and have spent thousands of hours working therapeutically with private clients since 2002. Most recently, 2023, I graduated from The School of Body-Mind Centering's® Somatic Movement Educator (SME) & Infant Developmental Movement Educator (IDME) programs.
I began practicing Yoga in 1989, and have been teaching since 1998. My early years of practice and teaching were devoted to vigorous vinyasa and hot yoga practice. During this time, I studied with Rolf Gates and assisted him at his vinyasa workshops. In 2001, I began studying with Tias Little. I am a senior teacher with Tias Little's Prajna Yoga, and was the first student to receive 500 hour certification from him. I have assisted Tias at his workshops and teacher trainings since 2005. In 2002, I became director of One Tree Yoga in Omaha, where I led annual yoga teacher training programs beginning in 2004. I completed the Insight Yoga Institute's 500 hour training with Sarah Powers in 2013, and have mentored students in her Insight Yoga Institute teacher trainings. Since relocating to New England in 2011, I have trained with Patricia Walden and Peentz Dubble. In addition, I have attended thousands of hours of training with numerous internationally renowned teachers, including Eric Schiffman, Baron Baptiste, Shiva Rea, Aadil Palkhivala, Richard Freeman, David Life, Anna Forrest, Sharon Gannon, Leslie Kaminoff, John Friend, Desiree Rumbaugh, Dharma Mittra, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa. I am currently studying with Amy Matthews, co-author of Yoga Anatomy, as a graduate of the School of Body-Mind Centering's® Somatic Movement Educator program and the Infant Developmental Movement Educator program. Amy and I are co-owners of Sonder Movement Project, offering BMC® courses in New England.
In both my teaching and practice of movement and stillness, I believe in doing what works for each person while recognizing that all approaches which cultivate self inquiry and wisdom are worthy of respect. No one method is the only way for everyone: the narrow vision of fundamentalism only serves to strengthen the illusion of separation. In all aspects of my life, I make a sincere effort to practice what I preach, to learn from my mistakes, and to recognize that the study of Self is the work of an entire lifetime.
Offering classes & events in New England and around.
Tel: 402-707-3407